10 Striking Parallels Between the Kennedys and Kardashians

The Kennedys and Kardashians. Two famous families. Two American dynasties. On the surface, they seem worlds apart.

The Kennedys rose to prominence in politics. Their power stretches back generations. Joseph P. Kennedy built the family fortune. He positioned his sons for greatness. JFK became president. The family became American royalty.

The Kardashians shot to fame through reality TV. Kris Jenner masterminded their success. It started with a scandalous sex tape. Add in constant self-promotion. Social media savvy. Within years, the Kardashians went global.

But despite different brands, these families have striking connections. Their swift rises to the top are uncannily similar. Both families wielded power through tragedy and scandal. Mastermind matriarchs controlled their success.

This article reveals 15 surprising similarities between the Kennedys and Kardashians. Iconic yet infamous. Political yet Hollywood. Their parallels provide insights into celebrity and power in America.

Rapid wealth and fame

The Kennedys and Kardashians shot to the top fast.

Joseph P. Kennedy built a fortune. He pushed his sons into power. Within decades, JFK was president. The Kennedys became American royalty.

Kris Jenner did the same for her family. A sex tape. Reality TV. Social media fame. Soon the Kardashians went global.

Both families achieved unbelievable fame and riches. In just one generation. Their rapid rises say a lot about America’s obsession with power, scandal and celebrity.

Masterminded by savvy, strong matriarchs

Both families were steered by strong matriarchs.

Rose Kennedy and Kris Jenner worked magic. They powered their families to the top. Rose Kennedy was disciplined and organized. She kept strict records on her kids’ lives. Kris Jenner strategized success through promotion. Both mothers were the architects of fame.

These matriarchs were forceful figures. They aggressively managed their families’ brands. Shrewd and calculating behind the scenes. Their drive reveals the power of motherhood. And the roles of women behind powerful men.

Haunted by tragedy

Both families experienced shocking tragedies.

The Kennedys saw massive success. But also devastating losses. Joe Jr. died in WWII. JFK was assassinated as president. His brother, Robert, was murdered too.

The Kardashians also dealt with tragedy. Kris Jenner’s close friend Nicole Brown Simpson was killed. Her ex, Robert, worked on O.J.’s defense team. More recently, Kim experienced a shocking robbery, and Khloe’s husband Lamar overdosed.

These tragedies are sadly similar. Young deaths and murders plagued both families. Their grief was public and profound. Heartbreak this cruel is indiscriminate. Even for the rich and famous.

Masters of Pop Culture

Both families influenced pop culture immensely.

The Kennedys brought youth, glamor and vigor to the White House. Jackie’s fashion and grace dazzled. JFK’s oratory inspired. They made politics exciting.

The Kardashians rule social media and reality TV. Kids today scroll their feeds to keep up. Kardashian style and slang go viral. Their cultural sway is undisputed.

These families understood media. And used it masterfully. To push agendas or products. Their power reflects America’s obsessions. Glitz, gossip and celebrity run deep. Even in politics. The Kennedys and Kardashians capitalized on these fascinations. And became icons in the process.

Competitive Spirit

Both families nurtured strong competitive drives.

The Kennedys played football and sailboat races growing up. Large families breed rivalry. JFK’s razor-thin presidential victory honed his competitiveness.

Similarly, the Kardashians valued competition. As kids on Keeping Up With the Kardashians, they held backyard Olympics. Kylie and Kendall later became models, vying for top jobs. Kim’s fame rivalry with Beyoncé was well-documented.

This competitive zeal fueled their success. They worked tirelessly to win. Whether at sports, politics or fame itself. For them, life was a contest. Victory meant power and validation. Their drive never rested.

Literary Aspirations

The Kennedys and Kardashians include accomplished authors.

JFK showed his intellectual side as president. He wrote Profiles in Courage, which won the Pulitzer Prize. It thoughtfully explores political integrity. Ted Kennedy later penned a memoir reflecting on tragedies and triumphs.

The Kardashians have also published extensively. Kris Jenner released a cookbook and memoir. Kim and sisters wrote books on beauty and business advice. While more lighthearted, their books connect with fans.

Both families demonstrate literary drive. To document their histories. To share their experiences beyond appearances. Whether for politics or self-promotion, their books reveal ambition. The desire to craft enduring records. And shape their legacies on their own terms.

Style Icons

Both families include major fashion influencers.

Jackie Kennedy became a global style icon as First Lady. Her classy, refined aesthetic inspired women worldwide.

Kardashian sisters are modern fashion and beauty moguls. Kim’s MET Gala looks go viral. Kylie’s makeup line hit $1 billion. Their styles drive trends.

These women knew fashion’s power. To convey identity and ideals. Jackie’s dignified style reflected Camelot. The Kardashians sell empowered sensuality. Through clothing and products. Their fashion statements leave lasting imprints.

Personal Brand Building Pioneers

Both families innovated the concept of brand-building.

Joe Kennedy controlled press coverage and public image early on. Jackie Kennedy later hired historian Theodore White to polish JFK’s legacy after his assasination, and liken it to the court of King Arthur and Camelot. The Kennedys understood political image-making.

Kris Jenner also foresaw today’s influencer age. She signed a deal granting cameras full Kardashian access. This let them control their narrative and monetize it. Kris masterminded their branding down to the smallest detail.

Both families innovated self-promotion as a business model. They let fans into calculated versions of their lives. This granted them money, power and influence. In many ways, the Kardashians represent the endpoint of what the Kennedys started. Two clans who realized that in modern America, branding is power.

Troubled Marriages

Joe Kennedy had affairs that hurt his marriage to Rose. JFK was also plagued by marital rumours.

The Kardashians also faced marital woes publicly. Kim’s first wedding ended after 72 days. Khloe divorced Lamar Odom amid cheating and addiction issues.

Despite their power and resources, finding lasting love has been challenging for these famous clans. The pressures of fame eroded their unions. Their broken marriages became tabloid fodder. reflecting society’s fascination with dissecting dysfunction. A less-healthy national pastime.

Family Partnerships

Both families showcase close-knit family businesses.

Joe Kennedy invested with and advised his sons’ political careers. They relied on family ties explicitly.

Kris Jenner managed her daughters as a momager. The sisters often collaborate on projects and shows too. Their bond benefits their brand.

For both clans, family meant business. Trust ran deep. Working together they thrived. But blurred boundaries caused drama too. When business deals mixed with family roles. Still, their loyalty was fierce. A network to nurture success. And endure fame’s storms together.

Insights for Close-Knit Families

What can less famous clans learn from these power families?

Support each other’s dreams. Family lifting family can inspire greatness. With guidance, resources and faith in each other.

But set boundaries. Business dealings can get messy fast. Roles should remain clear and balanced.

Tragedy will come. Even for the rich and famous. Band together through pain. Let love and resilience fortify you.

Fame bears a cost. Sacrifices will be required. Is the spotlight worth what you’ll give up? Consider carefully.

There are many roads to fulfillment. Seek purpose beyond status. Measure life by joy, not clout. In the end, family is all that matters.

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As the lead author at People Epics, Hilary Chapman combines a passion for storytelling with a love of history, pop culture and psychology. With a background as a tour guide in historic places and a flair for uncovering fascinating tales, Hilary brings life to the stories of legendary figures and modern celebrities alike. Her engaging writing style invites readers to explore the intriguing connections between their lives and those of the famous personalities who have shaped our world.